Terms & Conditions
This section sets out the Terms and Conditions by which South Coast Dance & Arts Ltd agrees to provide products and services.
By participating in our classes, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.
It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with them before you or your child participates in an activity with us.
We reserve the right to modify, cancel or amend to these Terms and Conditions and upon doing so shall provide you with notification that there has been a change.
The current Terms and Conditions always appear on our website. On purchase of any product or service, the most recent Terms and Conditions shall apply.
Trial Lessons
● South Coast Dance & Arts offers a one week free trial lesson for all of our children's classes. Please see fees and payments for information on adult classes.
● Correct, up to date contact information and health details for the student and or parent/carer is required.
● If a child is unable to take part in the trial, a further free trial lesson may be arranged.
Fees & Payments
● After the trial period, payments for children’s classes are to be made by half termly invoicing
● Participation in classes can be cancelled at any time by contacting us at info@scdanceandarts.co.uk
● Fees may slightly increase at the beginning of term, this will be indicated by your half termly invoice
● Payment for adult's classes can be made in block booking or pay as you go, fees must be paid before participating in the class. As our adult classes are pay as you go, we do not offer a free trial.
● Payments cannot be made by any other means unless agreed with the Principals.
● We reserve the right to suspend participation in lessons until any overdue or failed payments have been received.
● Refunds may be issued in the event of cancelled classes or long term absence through injury or illness.
● Refunds cannot be issued for absences (including self isolation) holidays, school trips, school exams, short term sickness or injury or if a student leaves the school during a half term that has already been paid for. Instead the pupil may be offered the opportunity to attend another class to make up for the missed lesson.
Cancellation of classes
● Occasionally it is necessary to cancel, change the venue of a class, or postpone to a later date. Where this occurs South Coast Dance & Arts will notify students, parents and guardians by email, text, phone, website and social media.
● We reserve the right to cancel any classes anytime up to and including the date the class starts. Should this occur we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible and a refund will be issued.
● Refunds will not be issued in the event of classes being cancelled due to inclement weather or national lockdown restrictions. Where possible lessons will be postponed or run online instead.
Health & Injury
● Pupils participate in lessons at their own risk and students, parents and guardians are obliged to inform South Coast Dance & Arts of any existing injuries or medical conditions. South Coast Dance & Arts must be notified immediately of any changes by the pupil or parents/guardians of the pupil.
● Pupils must wear suitable footwear and clothing at all times, including our uniform where applicable.
● If a pupil is unwell or has an accident requiring emergency treatment, first aid treatment will be administered by the nominated first aider at South Coast Dance & Arts. The emergency contacts will be contacted via the contact details provided by the participant. Contact numbers must always be contactable whilst the pupil is attending the activity.
● The administering of any complex medications (eg EpiPen's) must be discussed between the and the pupil/parent or guardian and the Principal. All agreements will be recorded in writing and signed by both parties.
● Adult pupils and parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that the emergency contact details on South Coast Dance & Arts records are up to date at all times.
School Rules
● South Coast Dance & Arts rules and policies are available on our website.
● Failure to observe these rules may result in pupils being asked to withdraw from lessons.
● No refund will be given if the school rules have been broken.
Personal Property
● Pupils are obliged to take care of their own belongings.
● South Coast Dance & Arts cannot accept liability for lost or damaged belongings.
Permissions (Physical contact and photography)
● Physical contact may be necessary by members of the teaching faculty to assist a pupil’s dance development. If you have any concerns regarding this matter please contact us.
● Photographs and video footage of participants taken by staff members of South Coast Dance & Arts may be used on our website and social media platforms for publicity purposes. Permission for images to be used will be requested when a pupil enrols in classes.
Use of Personal Data
● South Coast Dance & Arts Ltd holds information about our customers to enable us to carry out our business as an educational organisation. Further information can be found in our Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
● We will not disclose personal information to third parties unless required to do so for duties such as examinations entries or to support NHS test and trace. Students, parents and guardians will be conducted where such a scenario occurs.
Our Policies
● All pupils will be assessed by their class teacher on an ongoing basis and the progress of all pupils discussed at staff meetings with regards to suitability of current class level and entry into external examinations.
● Pupils who demonstrate the required ability and commitment may be eligible to be entered for external examinations.
● Positive feedback in lessons that recognises good work and gives clear direction on what can be done to improve further.
● Younger pupils may be awarded stickers at the end of each lesson.
● School certificates may be awarded at the end of each year to recognise the progress that has been made and certificates are awarded by external organisations if pupils successfully pass examinations.
School rules
We ask all of our pupils, parents and guardians to adhere to the following rules:
● Be on time for lessons. The Principal will raise any concerns about a pupil’s punctuality with the pupil or parents/guardians.
● Wear regulation uniform.
● No chewing gum in lessons.
● Use appropriate language. The use of inappropriate language or swearing is not allowed by any member of the school’s community.
● Treat everyone with respect (see section on conduct between members of the school community - Anti Bullying).
● Do not possess, consume or supply tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Any pupil found to be in possession of tobacco/alcohol/drugs may be excluded from the school.
● Do not harm the reputation of the school or another member of the school community, either through speech or online.
● Pupils who are involved in any form of misconduct may be excluded from the school. Conduct between members of the school community (Anti-Bullying) All members of the school community should be treated with respect.
● Members of the South Coast Dance & Arts community must not harm each other physically, mentally or emotionally or seek to cause division between others.
● The school recognises that the following behaviours may be regarded as forms of bullying: Physical (hitting, kicking, pushing, taking belongings), Verbal (name calling, taunting, insulting or making offensive comments), Cyber bullying.
● The use of derogatory language or language designed to divide or cause offence is strictly forbidden. This is language that relates to age, race, culture, disability or sexual orientation.
● Any incidents of a bullying nature will be reported to the Principal who will inform parents and guardians of any concerns that they have been made aware of.
● Members of the South Coast Dance & Arts community who do not change their behaviour may be excluded from the school. Discipline We recognise that there will be occasions when pupils’ behaviour or conduct is not in accordance with the school rules, either through lack of maturity or lack of understanding. When this happens incidents will be dealt with in the following ways:
● Staff will not raise their voices at a child or restrain them, unless the child is at risk of causing harm to themselves or others.
● Pupils who misbehave may be given a verbal warning. If poor behaviour continues the teacher may have conversation with the pupil concerned and parents or guardians.
● The Principal will follow up any significant incidents promptly with the parents or guardians.
Child Protection and Safeguarding
South Coast Dance & Arts is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of all members of our community. We take the following measures to help to protect the children under our care:
● Undertake appropriate checks for all members of staff and volunteers to ensure their suitability to work with children and young people. This must be done before they start teaching or are placed in a position of responsibility. Requests to view checks can be made to the school Principal.
● Teachers conduct registers and report concerns about absence to the Principal.
● All staff are trained to be alert to signs of abuse and the course of action to take should they suspect abuse.
● Staff involved with recruitment are trained in safer recruitment processes.
● Ensure the school’s Health and Safety policy is implemented and enforced. Concerns about members of the school community (staff, pupils and parents)
● Any concerns about any member of the school community must be brought to the attention of the Principal immediately.
● Where the concern is about the Principal, Childrens’ Services should be contacted immediately.
Appropriate physical contact
Teaching dance is a physical activity and a teacher will sometimes need to make physical contact with a student to show an idea or to correct the pupil’s position.
This can include:
● Lifting
● Adjusting arms, legs, rib cage, hips, feet, hands
● Moving one student in relation to another
Where contact is needed, we will remain sensitive to the pupil’s wishes and put their welfare first. In all cases we will ask permission and say why and how we will be correcting the student’s position before making any contact.
● Parents and guardians are not permitted in the room during lessons, except for classes where they are participating, during watching weeks or by agreement with the Principal and the teacher in charge.
● Arrangements are made for all teaching spaces to be viewed from outside of the room via windows and viewing panels.
Photography, Filming and Social Media Photographs and video footage
● Photographs and video footage taken by the school will only be used for marketing purposes and to celebrate achievement. They will only be used in an official school capacity (eg. school website, newsletters, promotional material and school social media accounts.)
● Permission is requested when pupils and participants commence classes with the school but parents or guardians may withdraw their permission at any stage.
● All pupils and participants featured in photographs or recordings must be appropriately dressed for the activity they are undertaking.
● Care needs to be taken with regard to the storage and dissemination of the photographs or video material.
● If photographs are published, no individual should be able to be identified by any attached data.
● Parents and guardians are permitted to take photographs and film during activities such as end of term watching week or school performances.
● Parents will be made aware of the school’s policy with regards to photograph and videoing during such events and invited to make contact if they have concerns.
● Photographs and filming must only take place in the room of the main activity, and not in areas where pupils may be changing.
● Images of other children or other participants should not be placed on the internet or social media without the consent of the pupil’s parents or guardians first being obtained.
● Pupils, participants, parents and guardians must be willing to delete images or recordings if requested to do so by another member of the school community.
● In circumstances where children may be adopted or in foster care the wishes of the family will be discussed.
South Coast Dance & Arts places great importance on developing a good relationship with members of its community and maintaining an open dialogue.
Our complaints procedure is as follows:
● Any grievance or complaint should be made to a Principal who will arrange for the matter to be discussed at the earliest convenience.
● A Principal will investigate the matter and come back to the complainant at the earliest opportunity.
● All correspondence, statements and records relating to the complaint will be kept confidential, unless a resolution is not reached and further action is required.
● If the complaint relates to child protection or an allegation against a member of staff, please refer to the child protection and safeguarding policy.
At South Coast Dance & Arts we aim to treat all employees, pupils, participants, parents, guardians, the public and job applicants fairly and equally regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, disability, criminal convictions or union membership status.
● The school will ensure that no requirement or condition will be imposed without justification which could disadvantage individuals purely on any of the grounds listed above.
● All staff are required to comply with the policy and to act in accordance with its objectives so as to remove any barriers to equal opportunity.
Health and Safety
At South Coast Dance & Arts we aim to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all members of the school community and to provide such information, training and supervision as is required for this purpose. This policy will be kept up to date to ensure responsibilities are met in relation to Health & Safety at Work Act (1974), Management Regulations (1999) and other relevant current legislation.
All staff must take reasonable responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all members of the school community.
This includes:
● Facilities and equipment - Ensuring all facilities and equipment are safe and in good working order before each class commences, that all equipment is stored in order to minimise risk and all damage or poor conditions reported.
● Accidents and first aid - Staff undertaking regular first aid training, administering emergency first aid treatment, providing access to a first aid box, seeking further medical support and keeping accurate records which must be communicated to the Principal and any other relevant parties.
Supporting pupils with medical conditions;
It is important that all pupils with medical conditions can access and enjoy the same opportunities as any other pupil at the school and be able to achieve their full potential.
The following procedures are in place to support pupils with medical conditions:
● All parents and guardians and participants are required to give information regarding any medical conditions that their child has when they enrol. They must also update the school if their health changes in any way that may affect their participation in lessons or the ability of staff to care for them.
● Arrangements relating to the accessibility and administration of medications will be agreed in writing between the Principal and the parents, guardians or participants before the individual starts lessons.
● Parents and guardians must ensure that any medication that their child takes to help them with a particular condition it is available to them during lessons.
● Principals will share appropriate information with other members of staff and ensure training is up to date.
Fire Safety and other hazards
● It is the responsibility of the Principals to ensure that all premises used by the school meet the requirements of fire safety law and documentation which supports their compliance is available.
● All pupils and staff must be familiar with the fire action procedure, location of fire alarms and fire exits.
● Evacuation procedure: ○ In the event of discovery of a fire, activate the fire alarm ○ The fire marshal (teacher in charge) should evacuate all pupils via the closest fire exit to the designated assembly point and conduct the register. Any missing pupils, parents, guardians, participants or staff must be reported to the fire officers. ○ The deputy fire marshal (assistant teacher) should contact the fire brigade. ○ All belongings should be left behind. ○ No one should re-enter the building until informed to do so by fire officers.
Risk Assessments
Every dance school will contain hazards that carry the risk of injury to the members of its community. At SCDA Risk Assessments are conducted to look at each hazard in detail, identify who is at risk, and explain exactly how that risk will be reduced.
A Principal will undertake a formal risk assessments for each venue and its facilities on an annual basis and provided to staff at the venues.
Risk assessment will be conducted by the Principal throughout the course of the year for the following additional events: ● Trips which take pupils and participants to an external venue.
● Performances which take pupils and participants to an external venue.
● Workshops which involve external companies or individuals.
● Events involving members of the public.
Privacy Policy and Data Protection
SCDA is committed to protecting the privacy and security of all members of its community. This privacy policy applies to the use and processing of personal information collected and used by South Coast Dance & Arts, in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR).
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation is a new, European-wide law that replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK. It places greater obligations on how organisations handle personal data. It came into effect on 25 May 2018. The GDPR applies to ‘personal data’, which means any information relating to a person or data subject that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a person.
The 8 principles of GDPR are:
1. Personal information must be fairly and lawfully processed
2. Personal information must be processed for limited purposes.
3. Personal information must be adequate, relevant and not excessive.
4. Personal information must be accurate and up to date.
5. Personal information must not be kept for longer than is necessary.
6. Personal information must be processed in line with the data subjects’ rights.
7. Personal information must be secure.
8. Personal information must not be transferred to other countries without adequate protection.
What information do we collect and why?
When you participate in or sign up to any of our classes, activities, workshops, mailing lists etc, we request that you allow us to store personal information about you. Such information consists of names, addresses, contact details, date of birth, medical information, special educational needs and photographs.By submitting this information we are able to provide you with the services you have requested and provide you with the highest level of service. It also enables us to work in accordance with the school’s other policies (Assessment, Child Protection and Safeguarding, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Special Educational Needs and Disability, Corona Virus - Covid 19).
How is information collected?
Personal data is collected through our website enquiry forms, enrolment forms and transaction sites. We do not collect or store payment information such as credit/debit card details. At all stages we request your consent to collect and store your personal data. Consent may be withdrawn at any stage.
Who is collecting and processing the information?
Personal data will only be collected and processed by staff of InTune Dance and Movement with the required levels of training. This is to ensure we continue to offer high levels of customer service and comply with GDPR. All staff who process personal data are trained on an annual basis or in instances of legislative change.
Who will it be shared with?
Information is only shared with staff at South Coast Dance & Arts on a need to know basis. SCDA does not actively share data with third parties, however there are occasions where sharing information is necessary.
Such occasions include:
● Entering pupils for examinations.
● Entering pupils for festivals.
● Performance programmes.
● Child protection concerns.
● Supporting Test and trace. In such cases consent will be obtained before information is shared and consent may be withdrawn at any time. The only exception to this is where a situation concerns child protection.
At SCDA we do NOT sell the personal data of our members or buy data from third parties.
Where is the information stored?
We are committed to ensuring that all information held by SCDA is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure. We keep data in secure locations (including but not limited to, password protected PC and/or in lockable storage). Any computer databases used by the school are compliant with GDPR and hold the relevant accreditation.
How long will we keep personal information for?
Data is retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including the purposes of satisfying any legal and financial requirements. All personal data except accountancy and first aid records will be securely deleted/destroyed/shredded according to Government Guidelines after the student leaves the school or after 6 years.
Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store on a device to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preference, store information such as retaining things in a shopping cart and to provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on our site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser which offers further guidance.
What measures do we take at SCDA to ensure we are compliant with GDPR and ensure good practice?
● The school is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office. Registration is renewed each year.
● The school has an appointed Data Protection Officer.
● All staff who collect and process personal data undergo annual training.
● A Data Protection Impact Assessment is conducted on an annual basis to ensure that privacy and data protection is considered at all times.
● Systems for consent are regularly checked and records of consent maintained.
● If SCDA experiences a data breach of any kind, we have a legal obligation to report this to the Independent Commissioner’s Office (ICO) within 72 hours. We will inform all the victims of the data breach as soon as possible if there is a high risk of adversely affecting individuals’ rights and freedom. A register of all data breaches will be maintained.
What are your rights?
GDPR provides the following rights for individuals:
1. The right to be informed
2. The right of access
3. The right to rectification
4. The right to erasure
5. The right to restrict processing
6. The right to data portability
7. The right to object
8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling Individuals can make a request for any of the above verbally or in writing, although the right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. SCDA will respond to a request within one month.
● All teachers must hold a relevant experience, qualifications or be working towards qualifications with nationally recognised organisations.
● The school will require all staff to undertake appropriate checks to ensure their suitability to work with children and young people. This must be done and completed before they start teaching.
● All staff must attend training courses and CPD as required by the school. This may relate to syllabus updates, child protection, fire safety and first aid.